YSU Logo Department of Business Administration
Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria

Welcome Message

Dr. S. M. Shariq Abbas

The department welcomes everyone to the website and wishes it to serve as a window to guide our students and future aspirants, as they pursue their academic activities. Since its inception in 2009, the Department of Business Administration has been striving to groom socially conscious business leaders, managers and entrepreneurs who contribute not just to the Nigerian society, but to the world at large. The Department seeks to foster and cultivate an intellectual environment by teaching, research and promoting core values and ethical principles that will enhance business enterprising globally. The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) program presently run by the department also provides knowledge needed for the understanding and analysis of problems related to the management of industrial, commercial and other forms of human organizations. We plan, aspire and are presently working to add masters level education to the department as well in very near future. With its dynamic teaching faculty and modern teaching aids, the ultimate mission of the department is to have a strategic plan in line with global change to be known as one of the leading center of acquiring professional managers and management practice with innovations in Nigeria, Africa and the whole world.
Our credence is to yield quality graduate who are equipped with wide range of management skills and complex problem solving, making rightful decision, who can argue coherently and rationally, since we believe the root of all achievement is able management. The department is continually providing management education which is relevant to the present and future needs of commerce, industry and government, fostering research attitude and aptitude among staff and students and it values industrial training, consultancy and extension services to meet up with international standards. Having said that all the students are always welcome to have an interaction with the head of the department and other faculty members for any problems, clarifications or sharing their experiences good or bad. I wish all the best in your academic pursuits and also for your career and professional quests in the future.


Dr. S. M. Shariq Abbas
Head of Department